Tuesday, August 24, 2010

23 on the 23rd

Yesterday, August 23rd, Amanda was officially 23 months old. I love the symmetry of that event. And I also love the way it lends itself to a little reflection.

23 months...on the verge of two

As I filled a work request today at the utility department, Amanda charmed the women behind the counter. One said, "She must be two." It shocked me to look at Amanda...my baby...and realize that she really looks two. She is quickly approaching toddlerhood. More and more (actually most of the time) she wants "down. walk. walk." She climbs up the slide and races down it again. "No" is a common word. And, she loves her brothers.

Here is a picture of her taken on the 23rd while we were at Andrew's soccer practice. She loves to be outside and really enjoyed exploring the mud.

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