Thursday, August 19, 2010


I can't believe it has been two weeks since I've posted...and I can't believe school has been in session for two weeks. We are settling, we are adjusting, and we all love where we are right now. Here is a recap.

Here is Scott exiting the bus after his first day.

And, we were all outside waiting for him.

But, we did not sit outside all day on the hot driveway and wait. We had plenty of fun playing with games and toys. Andrew set up his Legos on the couch and orchestrated a Star Wars battle.

Amanda is very interested in her dolls and their "dirty" diapers. However, she is more interested in posing for the camera, so I had a hard time actually getting a picture of her playing with the doll.

We also spent a few brief moments outside on the swing set and pirate ship. Yes, Amanda has figured out how to get on the ship and thinks she is quite the big girl while she is up there.

Andrew loves viewing the world upside down.

And, these curls prove the extent of the humidity. I'm sure we won't see them in the winter, but they sure do come out in full force in this August heat.

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