Thursday, August 5, 2010

First day in the First grade morning update

It was pretty dark this morning when Derrick left at 5:50. He likes to beat traffic and not get stuck behind the school buses. Plus it is always nice to have some breathing room before the kids arrive.

Scott was ready for the first day of school. Doesn't he look so grown up!

The boys wait patiently for the bus. Amanda did not make it up to see the bus.

Here comes the bus at 6:46. It is a bit lighter than when Derrick left, but in the winter it is still very dark outside this early in the morning.

Scott was so excited about loading that he almost forgot to turn around for the compulsory picture. Miss Alice, the really kind bus driver, had to remind him to pause for the camera. It helps also that she is a scrapbooker, so she knows the value of photos!


laura said...

so sweet. love the last bus photo (and what a great driver!)

Derrick would love/hate mornings here in ND - summer sunrise is well before 5am but in the winter it's, umm... well, later than that :) So late that we just don't like to talk about it :)

Matt just left on a two day trip, I take the kids to see their cousins today - eating some cereal before I shower and the kids wake. Have a good day!

Dwight said...

Great photos. I can't believe school has already started. We don't start until August 25.