Sunday, May 22, 2011


I think we may have a problem. We have books EVERYWHERE!!

We have them in the living room here...

...and here...

The boys have plenty in their room (yes, Amanda often pulls EVERY one off of the shelf. I caught her early this time.)

Amanda has her own stash under her changing table...

And we have plenty piled beside my bed. (Most of these belong somewhere else, but are left after bedtime reading. About once a week, I gather all the books and return them to the correct shelves.)

What is a family to do with all of these books? Why, read them, of course!! And that is my goal for this summer. I want to read every book in our house. I'm not sure how realistic that goal is, but we are going to try. I'll keep you updated on our progress.

1 comment:

laura said...

just yesterday Lydia pulled out all their Fancy Nancy books and arranged them on her bed - imagining you don't have too many of them, but they are JUST so cute and I really enjoy them, wait... I mean my girls enjoy them :)

anyways, and I was thinking about a "fancy nancy book challenge" to see if we could read all of them in one sitting. maybe we'll do the whole house book challenge. but record-keeping, now that would be the challenging part :)

can't wait to hear your updates as you progress through the piles