Saturday, March 9, 2013

Angry Bird Party

Andrew's Angry Bird party was so much fun!  And we were so thankful the weather was perfect, because I'm not sure how we would have pulled it off in the rain or cold that we have had this past week.

The highlight of the party was the life-sized Angry Bird slingshot.  I found this blog post a few weeks ago and asked Derrick if he could make one just like it.  He immediately thought it was a great idea, especially since he was able to use scrap wood that has in the basement.  I used scrap fabric to make a pouch.  The only purchased items were bungie cords and bolts.

We created a target with cardboard boxes.  Walmart is selling the big balls in their Easter area, so I bought two green ones and Andrew put pig faces on them.  We added cans to make some noise.

Andrew went first, ready to smash those pigs.  The kids came back again and again.  They probably played for a good 45 minutes.  It was so much fun!

Even Amanda took a turn.

We ate some lunch and enjoyed the cake.

The sign of a great birthday party is finding your son sound asleep next to one of his new toys.  I wonder what he is dreaming about.  

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