Saturday, March 2, 2013


We just finished a very long basketball season.  Actually, it wasn't much longer than any other sport season, but it just felt so very long.

The boys had fun, but neither has much of a future in the sport.  

Each endured watching the other's game.  Scott learned to bring a book.  And every time I had my camera he begged and begged to take pictures.  Finally I relented, just to give him something to do.

I've just downloaded the entire season tonight, and boy am I glad I gave him the camera!  He may not have a future in basketball, but maybe there is one in sport photography.  He captured such beautiful pictures and such unique angles.

All of these were taken by Scott...

I will definitely "hire" Scott to take pictures in the future.

The only problem is I have all of these great pictures of Andrew's games and not as many of Scott. 

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