Thursday, January 3, 2008


Bedtime is one of my most favorite times of the day. After the chaos of eating dinner (and treking to the kitchen at least 20 times during the meal), cleaning up, putting on jammies, brushing teeth, etc., bedtime is where we all get to relax, snuggle and read some good books. Generally, Derrick takes this "duty", allowing me to sneak away to do other things.

Roo has just recently gotten in to this routine. He is our little reader, bringing Daddy several books to read each night. Tonight, Derrick read Roo's short books and then started to read Scooter a chapter book. I thought for sure that Roo would lose interest, but he sat there the entire time. Even Farley enjoys hearing a good book.

As you can see, there isn't much room on the bed for all of them, especially with all of Scooter's "friends" joining them. When he takes naps in our bed on Tuesday and Thursday (when we have Noah), he insists that we transport all of them there. It takes two or three trips to get them all in place. I really think it is just a delay tatic from taking a nap.

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