Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cotton Candy!

We had a great time yesterday. After the boys awoke from their naps, we piled in the car and headed to campus to watch the UGA Gymnastics team in their "preview" meet. For any of you who aren't from Athens, the Gymnastics team is THE team on campus to go see (outside of Football, of course). Derrick and I work on the floor during all of the home meets and have a great time doing so. The UGA team has won the past three National Championships and is a front-runner for this year.

Yesterday they had an exhibition meet, very informal and informative. We saw lots of people we knew there, including Uncle Geoffrey, Aunt Jill & Callie. In fact, Callie was on the big screen for a few seconds as they were "dancing for books." She didn't win, but I thought she was the cutest featured.

So, not long after we arrived, Scooter spotted the "cotton candy man" on the other side of the arena. The child has never had cotton candy before, so I'm not sure where he learned about it or how he knew what it was. Maybe it was some sort of instinct that he was born with. Well, he asked for some and I thought, "well, he is almost four...he can have his first cotton candy." We chased the Cotton Candy Man all the way around the arena trying to get his attention. Finally, I handed over my $3.00 for a bag full of sugar and we happily went back to our seats.

Of course, I didn't figure that Scooter's first taste of cotton candy (at almost four) would also be Roo's first taste of cotton candy (almost two). Roo also must have been born with that same instinct, because he started asking for it as soon as we got back to our seats.

It reminded me of a story my Mom always tells. To this day (30 years later), she remembers the very first piece of candy that my older brother had. He was at a birthday party when he was three and the little girl had a bowl of M&M's on the table. Geoffrey parked himself by that table and stayed there the entire party. When I ask when I had my first piece of candy, she doesn't remember. It was probably also at that same party!

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