Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mimic the adults

I took this cute picture of Scooter yesterday as he was pretending he was welding. He took the basket that we keep balls in out of our toy area and placed it on his head to protect his face from the welding sparks. Then, he took the blocks and stacked them into his welding torch. He welded the kitchen cabinets while I washed dishes.
This morning, I noticed that Roo had a travel mirror in his hand. It is the kind that flips open to reveal the mirror. He said to me "phone" and opened it and held it to his face and started talking to daddy.
It's amazing to me how much these little guys mimic the world in their play. They just do what they see us doing. The most fun part about that is that next time we see a welder, I'll point it out to Scooter and he will love seeing someone really in action. Then, he will come home and play some more. (Not so much fun is that Roo will probably pick up my cell phone and call Timbucktoo, or just the last person that I called.)

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