Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Hi Cutie!"

Thursday is our day to go to Community Bible Study. This is a great outing for the whole family. I get wonderful "adult" time with other women, while the kids have a great time upstairs in the children's program. We all learn about Jesus and grow in our faith, while fellowshipping with other people our age. The boys also learn things to prepare them for school, like waiting in line and sharing toys. They are in separate classes, with teachers who love them and love what they do.

I always pick up Roo from his class first and then we head down the hall to get Scooter. As I arrived at Roo's room, his teacher came out laughing. She said that just minutes earlier, he ran across the room, arms wide open, gave her a great big hug and said "Hi Cutie." Where he learned that phrase is anybody's guess. But, who can resist that big smile and those blond curls? (Of course, last week he was aiming the ball at her head and giving it a great big heave.)

Oh, I also posted the snow picture from a few days ago. Scroll down to see it.

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