Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter - Part 1

Easter sneaks up on me every year, since it almost always coincides with March birthdays. I run out of time to do all of the activities that I plan. Thus, I have had an Egg Dying packet sitting on top of my refrigerator for at least two years. I always have grand ideas to dye eggs, but have never taken the plunge, so to speak.

This year was the year to do so! And, boy did we have fun. Andrew loved that the eggs turned colors and had no problems dunking the eggs into multiple colors.

Here you can see that Andrew's hands are almost as pretty as the eggs!

Amanda enjoyed watching us (she probably would have loved to help, but I just couldn't handle that this year).

Scott was really into it and dyed long after the other two lost focus. As a matter of fact, I saved the dye in jars and hope to boil more eggs this week to try again.

Aren't they beautiful! I learned something else from this adventure - Scott LOVES hard boiled eggs. They are such a simple addition to breakfast and he ate at least three before school last week. Yeah! I have something else to add to my super-fast-breakfast list!

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