Monday, February 4, 2008

friends to visit

We had the delight this morning of watching a friend's children. They are both a little older than my children - almost 5 and 2 and a half. I absoultely loved watching my boys play at a slightly older level. B's imaginary play is more advanced than Scooter (as he is a year older). He organized everyone into a "fire company". He played the role of the chief and driver of the truck. Scooter played with the remote control and made the siren go. The little boys just enjoyed wearing the hats and being around the older children.

At the little kid level, Roo absolutely insisted on going potty on the "big boy" potty after he saw McCance going. He has been reluctant recently and seeing another child going really made him want to do that. It's funny to see peer pressure come into play even at such a young age.

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