Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Learning to Swing

One of the things that I love the most about staying home with the kids is that I get to witness and watch little milestones in their lives. The first week that I was at home full-time, I sat on the driveway and watched Roo try about 50 times and finally master sliding down our little slide. What a thrill!

Well, today, I had a similar thrill. Scooter learned to swing by himself! We talked about "up, down, up, down" for a while, but that didn't work. Then, I encouraged him to lean back and forward. I continued to push Roo on his swing. I gave Scooter little pushes every once in a while, but mostly just sat back and watched him figure out the rhythm of swinging.

He was so excited about his new skill and I was thankful that I was able to experience the joy with him. I'm sure we will be outside again when Daddy gets home, so we can show him.

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