Now that Scott (I might as well use their real names, because I think that everyone who reads this knows who they are; plus I almost slip up all the time) is almost four, we think it is time for him to start having some responsibilities around the house. So, beginning this fall, we slowly introduced "jobs" for him to do. These aren't so formal that we have a "chore chart", but they are expectations before we can begin another activity.
For instance, he is expected to clear the table after meals and put his remaining milk back in the refridgerator. Also, he is expected to take his clean clothes back to his room and put them in the correct drawers.
Wouldn't you know...Scott started doing these things at age 3 1/2. When did Andrew start? At the same time! He now wants to put away his clothes and also clear his spot at the table after a meal. He has a fit if I try to take his milk from him and put it away -- he must be the one to place it on the shelf. These are activities that I never expect a toddler to do, but he is so desparate to be as big as his older brother, he wants to do everything that Scott is doing.
Of course, that desire to be just as big also poses some problems. One of the most common phrases directed to him throughout the day is "you are a little young for that." For instance - "you are a little young to use scissors" (as he threw a fit yesterday when we were cutting out Valentines) and today I said "you are a little young to ride the tricycle." I was encouraging him to use the big wheel - lower to the ground and less apt to tip over.
I guess it is true what they say about the second child doing things at an earlier age.
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