Saturday, March 8, 2008

a costume revived

Some of you readers may remember Scott's first Halloween. We dressed him up as a "baby burrito" because while he was in utero, that was our nickname for him. He was our "Baby Burrito" because he "had all the good things wrapped up inside." Here is a picture of that wonderful costume (made by yours truely.)

Well, three and a half years later, the costume (just the cap) has been revived. Scott discovered it in his closet the other day and announced that it was his "sleeping cap." I'm not sure what book he has been reading recently that featured sleeping caps - maybe the Night Before Christmas a few months ago? Well, he squeezed it on his head and has worn it every time he has slept since Wednesday! Here is a picture of him taken on Friday.

Needless to say, it is quite small for his head. He has requested that I make a new cap that fits him. We have selected the fabric from my stack and I plan to make it later this evening. I'll post a picture of it when I'm through.

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