I spent yesterday morning sewing the promised new nightcap for Scott. It turned out really well. Here is a picture of Scott admiring it in the mirror after it was finished. He really likes the fact that it is pointy at the top, just like a real stocking cap! He has worn it to nap and bed yesterday and today. I'm wondering when he is going to get too hot and not want to wear it. This is our child who refuses to sleep in winter jammies or under covers because he claims he is too hot overnight. I made this new cap out of a cotton fabric, so it will breathe better than the fleece.
I'll download the picture later this evening. I'm on the laptop right now and my "naptime freetime" is almost over. We have all of our photos stored on the desktop.
Our afternoon routine will begin in a few minutes. The boys wake up and, generally, get some sort of "special treat" - their only real sugar all day. Then, we either watch a movie or go outside. It depends on the weather and how much time dinner will take. Tonight we are having black bean nachos, so it will cook itself once the beans are on the stove. The best part of the day is when Daddy gets home!! For the past few days, it has been warm enough that he has taken the boys "mucking" in our creek. It is great fun to watch them marching up and down in their waterproof boots. The best part for them is when they get to go through the tunnel that goes under the street. I'll try to get a picture of it next time they go mucking together.
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