Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New Names for everyone

Scott has decided that the names we use daily just aren't good enough. Each day he gives us new names. He thinks it is so funny to name us after common nouns. For instance, today at lunch, I was "Bubble", he was "Napkin", Andrew was "Cup" and Daddy (who wasn't even there) was "Bread." I even think that Farley had a new name, but he never responded to it - somewhat of a disappointment for Scott.

So, while we were eating, we had to refer to each other with the new names. Instead of asking Scott if he wanted something else to eat, I asked "Napkin, what else do you want to eat?" At one point I was reprimanded when I asked "Napkin, whose face are you going to wipe today?" The response was "No, my name is Napkin...I'm not a napkin, I'm a boy!"

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