Monday, August 3, 2009


The answers to the pictures are:

That wasn't too hard, but I still get a kick out of seeing how much they look alike. Since they were all summer beach pictures, the boys were only about 4 months each, while Amanda was 10 months.

We have an exciting week this week. It's Back To School around here. Derrick started with his kids today and Scott starts on Wednesday. We meet Scott's teacher tomorrow.

He is ready. I am ready. Since we registered for Kindergarten in March, it has been a long 5 months. I feel like a parent must feel when sending a child to college. We have countless conversations per day that start with "when you are at school..." They range from reminders to obey the teacher and throw away his trash at lunch to discussions about what he will learn and friends he will make. I've just about exhausted my list of "what ifs" and am ready for life to move forward. We are ready to start our new routine and see how it goes. It is going to be a big change, but I am tired to waiting for it.

I realized this morning that I was dwelling too much on Wednesday and not savoring our last days of summer. So I let Scott determine the day. We went to swim with friends and lunch at McDonalds. (It's funny - we have NEVER been to the McDonalds that is 1/2 mile from our house and I can probably count on one hand the number of times we have ever been to any McDonalds. But, we had a coupon from the library and that is where Scott chose to go.)

I think that Andrew is also ready. He is ready to be the big boy at home and ready for some special Mommy attention. I know he must feel negelected since the whole family world is revolving around Scott right now. Every time Scott gets something new, Andrew gets a hand-me-down. But, God has gifted him with the gift of encouragement and such a positive attitude. He has not complained a bit and rejoices with Scott. Maybe it is just Mommy who is ready to shower some special attention on sweet Andrew.

I'll post pictures on Wednesday!

1 comment:

McCance said...

Call me if you need to talk tomorrow. I might be helping Scott a bit, but my phone will be on me. You are going to have so much fun with your littles, and Scott is going to love school!