Saturday, August 8, 2009

more back to school thoughts

In my last post I mentioned that I may be a little jealous of Scott, but yesterday I realized that I'm also doing my three favorite things: learning, playing and meeting new people.

Andrew, Amanda and I played all day on Thursday. It was a different kind of play than what we have with Scott because he wasn't around to influence it. We played pirate outside and spent over an hour with the play doh inside. It is fun to let Andrew direct our play.

Yesterday we played with cousin Callie. She and Andrew got along great because she is another oldest child and Andrew is used to taking directions from an older sibling. :)

I'm also meeting neighbors and other parents at Scott's school. One of my dreams is that we have some neighborhood friends for our kids to play with. We live in an older neighborhood with lots of retired people, but just yesterday I met a Dad with a Kindergarten boy who lives just around the corner. I look forward to getting to know them better this year.

It would be a stretch to say something like "I'm learning my new schedule," but I realize that I have a bit more free time and I'm able to use it to learn what I want. It is exciting.

Here is Scott getting off the bus on Wednesday. It didn't arrive until 3:20! (On Thursday and Friday it came closer to 3:00.) He thinks it is fun to ride the bus, but says it is very hot. That's what you get when you start school in August!

Andrew showing off his Smoothie mustache on Thursday morning. He has been waking up early with Scott. I wonder when the novelty will wear off and he will sleep later again.

And loading the bus on Thursday morning. Notice how dark it is...6:45 is pretty early! Scott gets up pretty well...too well, in fact. This morning everybody was up at 6:03 - entirely too early for a Saturday.

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