Friday, February 22, 2008

Random Conversations

Yesterday at lunch, just after a discussion on the importance of eating sandwich crusts, Scott suddenly turned to me and asked, "Are giants as large as the ceiling at Sam's Club?" You may think this is odd, but we have these kind of random discussions all the time these days. Later in the meal, he asked, "How many birthdays does a person have?" I started talking about all the people we know and how many birthdays each of them has had. At the end, he summed it up by saying, "So Grandad has the most birthdays and then Daddy." My answer - "No, Grandad, then Grandma, then Nana and Pop, then all of Daddy's older brothers and sisters, then Daddy."

The previous night, our little questioner asked "Why do some dungeons have doors on them and some have gates?" I don't even know where he learned about dungeons. When my response is "I don't know," his response to me is "Mommy, you just don't know very much do you." Sure does reassure me about that Master's degree that I worked so hard to get!

"Why?" pipes in Andrew. That's his new discovery this week -- the word "why." He asks it about everything. The cutest part is that it isn't a defiant why, just an innocent word. I'm still trying to decide if "because Mommy says so" is a reasonable response.


McCance said...

I can hear Andrew's "why." It's highly likely he learned it from McCance, because normally it is a tad bit early for that. ;-) Oh, and just "because" can be an accepted answer when needed. So can "Ask Scott." LOL

laura said...

Yes, in my experienced opinion, "because mommy said so" is not only an acceptable answer, but, at times,the most appropriate!! Matt still he thinks he can chase the "why?" chain to a satisfactory end. You know, when the little one says "why?", listens to your answer and follows it with another, "why?", listens to your answer and responds, "why?" and on and on and on. Matt likes to try to stump Julianna, beat her at her own game. I give up on round three and cop out with, "because mommy said so"! glad I'm not the only one :)