Wednesday, August 5, 2009

First Day of School!

We survived!

Yesterday we took Scott to his "Meet the Teacher." We were thrilled that his teacher is a woman that I knew when I first moved to Athens. She and I were in the same bible study and I think she is wonderful. He also has a full-time para-pro in his classroom who is also fully-certified. When we arrived yesterday, they welcomed Scott and asked him to draw a picture of himself and write his name. He got to work immediately. They also gave him a card welcoming him to Kindergarten. There is nothing better to calm nerves than walking into a room where they are expecting you.

"Meet the Teacher" was a family affair, minus Derrick.

This morning, I served Monkey Muffins to my two monkeys. Scott had a late arrival (9:00), so everybody was awake in time for breakfast. I took Andrew and Amanda to visit a friend, so I could make sure Scott was settled and attend the "Boo-Hoo" breakfast for parents.

Scott was eager to enter the building and start school...

But, he caught me by surprise when he stopped to smile at the camera. Maybe I have taught him a thing or two in the last five years! This is my child who used to never pose for a picture.

Scott's picture was hanging by his name outside of his door. He went right in and Miss Ashley (the para-pro) helped him unpack his bag. Then, he sat down on the rug to listen to Miss Laurie (the teacher) read a story. (I think all the teachers are called by their first names here.)

Proof that we still have many things to learn. Maybe he will finally get the S and the C to go in the right directions this year.

I have to say that I did not boo-hoo at the "Boo Hoo" breakfast this morning, but it felt a little weird not having him around all day. I was maybe even a little jealous of him. I mean, what better environment for doing three of my favorite activities - learning, playing and meeting new friends!


laura said...

I loved this post Leslie! Scott looks so big - and so little - at the same time :) My favorite pictures are the one of you and all the kids at Meet the Teacher & the one of the Scott when he turned around to pose by the big red doors.

I am so glad his teacher is a Christian, I pray and pray that one day my children will have a believer in their classroom.

Praying for his first days, and for the rest of the family as you all adjust :)

McCance said...

How cool that Laurie is his teacher! You didn't tell me that. (Scott has the same carpet in his room.)