Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday thoughts on a Tuesday

I wonder why we waste electricity by running a humidifier in the boy's room at the same time that we run a dehumidifier in the basement. Isn't there some way to channel the humidity to the room where we want it?

Thoughts like this keep me going on days like today. Amanda has some sort of stomach bug and has thrown up all her meals since last night. I managed to get some pedialite down an hour ago and am about to try again. She also has a bad diaper rash from diarrhea. Please pray for her recovery and that she does not get dehydrated.

Andrew has had a cold all weekend and it is really cold outside. I think we are going to hunker down at home today and read lots of books.

The blessing is that I have a roast in the CrockPot, so no matter what the day brings, we will have dinner on the table. Yeah for the slow cooker!

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