Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One advantage to using cloth diapers is that it is easy to say "yes" when your child insists that his bear is about to poop all over the floor and needs to have a diaper. That was just the scenario yesterday when I was changing Amanda and Andrew was playing with his bear.

We had a wonderful time of imaginative play. Scott (who is usually the leader of all thoughts, ideas and games) was outside with Derrick, so Andrew and I had some time to play together. It is great fun to see the wild directions that his thoughts take him.

A few minutes later, he wanted to hold Amanda. I snapped this cute picture of the two of them.

Below is a picture of Amanda with "Penelope", her new doll. It is the one that she smiled at a few days ago. She really doesn't show a great interest in anything yet, expect her hands (which fascinate her) and real human faces, especially mine.

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