We are so excited to be home from the hospital. It has been an eventful three days. We woke on Saturday morning and gave Amanda her breathing treatment. After she received it, she still sounded awful. She was making noises at each breath and generally looked really bad. Luckily, our doctor was on call on Saturday morning, so I called and they told me to come right away. Once I was there, the doctor recommended that she be hospitalized. Since RSV is a virus, they can only treat the symptoms with more frequent breathing treatments, an oxygen tube in her nose, antibiotics for her ear infection and monitoring of her oxygen supply and breathing ability. She also got an x-ray of her chest to rule out pneumonia.
I stayed with Amanda in the hospital, while Derrick was at home with the boys. It was wonderful to be reunited with the family this afternoon. I sure did miss my boys, although it was nice to be able to focus solely on Amanda as she needed me. I did not have to hold her and make pb&j sandwiches at the same time.
Here is a picture from the hospital and a video I took this morning as we were getting ready to leave.
Oh, and I almost forgot to post this story. I planned to post it on Saturday...
We had a good day #2 of quarantine on Friday. At one point, we were all outside and the boys were playing with chalk. Andrew drew a line and declared it was gun. I said it looked more like an arrow, so he drew another straight line and said that was his bow. (He is really into weapons right now.) Well, I flippantly asked him if he could draw an "A", since he just learned a few weeks ago that his name started with an A. Here is what he came up with! Can you see the A in the upper right of the picture?I was floored and asked him to do it again and he did on another part of the driveway.
I guess it is "second child syndrome." We have done no formal school work with Andrew, but he absorbs everything that I'm doing at home with Scott.

Oh I am so glad to hear you are home! Sara has been keeping me updated.
It was good to see the photo of Andrew's "A" too... that is what Julianna's looked like, and I have no idea what "normal" is for this age :) No kids around here are busy writing their letters! Anyways, you know I am quitting the letters thing for now though, we haven't worked on them since before Thanksgiving.
Hi Leslie!
I'm so sorry to see that Amanda has been sick, but I'm glad that she is getting better. Hang in there! Three sick children is no fun at all. You are a terrific mother, and I know that you & Derrick are doing a wonderful job being there ALWAYS for your children. They are very blessed. Talk to you soon!
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